Monday, February 13, 2012

Kim Jaejoong’s tweet causes fans to grow with concern

Kim jae joong

年取るのが不安になる。 このまま時間が過ぎるのがこわくなる。どんどん会えなくなった日が増えて来る。もっとわかい時との自分と離れるのがイヤだ。そゆ事を考えってる俺がイヤで、、一番キライなのは気持ちが離れるかも知れないって言う不安感だ。

TRANS:Growing older makes me feel anxious. Time goes by so fast, and the number of days I can never get back continue to increase. I feel like I’m growing further apart from the person I was when I was  younger. I don’t like the part of myself that continues to think like this. What I hate the most is that I’m afraid my heart will become distant as well.”

何言ってんのか分かんないけど… いろいろと複雑な気分だな…今日は。 ただ息を吸う事だけで"人生を生きてる"とは言いたくない。頑張らないと。 頑張らなきゃ。

TRANS: I don’t really know what I’m talking about, but I feel so many different emotions today,” he continued. “I don’t want to simply continue to live life by just existing, I need to work hard.”

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